Иконка версии для слабовидящих

Выбор экскурсий


The main building of museum of the state central museum of contemporary history of Russia

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  • All types of excursion services, master classes at the Museum`s exposition, the use of audio guides require the purchase of entrance tickets according to the category of visitors. When using the audio guide, a deposit of 1000 rubles is charged. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, admission to the Museum is free (no more than two people).

  • Opening hours

    вт-вс с 11:00 до 20:00, чт с 12:00 до 21:00
    пн - выходной

Main building

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  • Opening hours

    Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat from 10:00 to 20:00, Thu from 11:00 to 21:00,

    Mon – closed

    Ticket sales at the ticket offices stop 30 minutes before the Museum closes.

    Visitors belonging to the privileged categories can get a free ticket at the museum's ticket office. In case of purchasing a free or discounted ticket, visitors are obliged to show a document confirming the right to a benefit at the control.

Exhibition and memorial department “Presnya”

Exhibition and memorial department “Apartment of G. M. Krzhizhanovsky”

E. Evtushenko Gallery

Exhibition and memorial department “Underground printing press of 1905-1906”

Katyn memorial

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  • Opening hours

    Территория мемориального комплекса открыта для осмотра ежедневно – с 9.00 до 21.00 (вход посетителей свободный), экспозиции и выставки работают с 9.00 до 17.30. Продажа билетов прекращается за 30 минут до закрытия.

The memorial complex "Mednoe"



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